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One of a Kind Life
Are you living a one of a kind life? It’s early morning, I’m drinking my tea and thinking about what to write for this week’s blog post. I have the...
One of a Kind Life
Are you living a one of a kind life? It’s early morning, I’m drinking my tea and thinking about what to write for this week’s blog post. I have the...

The Little Things
“Enjoy the little things in life for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” How many times have you heard this quote? Have you actually...
The Little Things
“Enjoy the little things in life for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” How many times have you heard this quote? Have you actually...

10 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself
“I used to be such a romantic.” How many times have you said those exact words? I know I have. Why is it that the older we get, the less...
10 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself
“I used to be such a romantic.” How many times have you said those exact words? I know I have. Why is it that the older we get, the less...

A Romantic Getaway
Looking for a romantic getaway this Valentine’s day? A moonlight stroll down a beautiful beach might be just the ticket! Coronado Beach is #6 in Coastal Livings list of the...
A Romantic Getaway
Looking for a romantic getaway this Valentine’s day? A moonlight stroll down a beautiful beach might be just the ticket! Coronado Beach is #6 in Coastal Livings list of the...

Being The Best Version of Yourself
It is said that the purpose of life is to become the best version of yourself. I really believe this. We get one shot at this in our relatively short...
Being The Best Version of Yourself
It is said that the purpose of life is to become the best version of yourself. I really believe this. We get one shot at this in our relatively short...

Going from old to new
Going from old to new. Is it a time capsule? A miracle face cream? A new exercise technique? Ummmm….no. While all those would be great, today we’re discussing how to...
Going from old to new
Going from old to new. Is it a time capsule? A miracle face cream? A new exercise technique? Ummmm….no. While all those would be great, today we’re discussing how to...