“I used to be such a romantic.” How many times have you said those exact words? I know I have. Why is it that the older we get, the less romantic we become? Is it because life gets too busy? Is it because we think we are to wise for such silliness? Or is it really just because we don’t really love ourselves so we think “why should someone else?”
Down deep, I’m still a romantic at heart. I can’t watch a beautiful sunset and not feel it pull at my soul. I pull my husband up out of his easy chair and make him slow dance with me when the right song comes on. And, I still walk outside each night looking up at the stars and dream a little dream.
Do you remember that it can be fun to be romantic? It lifts our hearts, makes us (and others) feel special and just generally makes us happier people. It also doesn’t take a lot of work, money or time- just a little creativity. But you can’t fully love another until you are happy in your own heart.
What can you do to help “feel the love” a little more? Here are 10 ideas to help rekindle your inner spark.
- Stop comparing yourself– There is no one else in the world like you so trying to be like someone else is robbing the world of the chance to know beautiful you! The only person who gets to decide what “hot” and “sexy” means is you.
- Celebrate every day – Success doesn’t have to be earth shattering with giant Ka-booms. There are small victories in every day to be celebrated. I have a “win” journal in which I write 3 successes from the day before. This is to remind myself to be happy with every triumph, no matter how small.
- Dance- While working on the boat, we have certain days when the music of the day is “all 80’s, all the time.” I grew up in the 80’s so I always find myself dancing to some of my favorite ‘oldies.’ You might feel silly—you might even laugh at yourself—but it will be fun and your heart will feel lighter.
- Take a trip alone – Whether it’s one night or three, you get to do exactly what you want without negotiating with anyone else. You can also take the trip at your own pace and explore the world and yourself. You never know what you might discover. As Wayne Dyer said, “You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.”
- Learn something new– Remember the joy you felt the first time you learned to do something that you ended up loving? That’s how it was for me with my jewelry. To be able to create something so beautiful with stones, metal and my hands is still one of the greatest joys for me. So take time to discover one of your gifts. It’s a perfect way to honor yourself.

creating something so beautiful…is still one of my greatest joys
- Unplug from the digital world:While I strive to be pretty transparent about the good, bad and ugly, much of Facebook and Instagram is filled with other people putting on their best “real fake life.” Scrolling through brings you right back to the comparison trap of your life vs. theirs which is wasted energy. So, every once in a while, unplug. You’ll be amazed at how refreshed you feel at the end of the day.
- Embrace fear– Nothing reminds you of how strong you are like doing something that scares the shit out of you. It doesn’t have to be something crazy or dangerous but it should be something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Then, you can write it down in your “win” journal the next day and celebrate your brave heart.
- Have a ‘You’ day– Imagine your perfect day from the time you wake up, to the last thing you do before shutting off the light. Then, spend a day enjoying some (or all) of those things. Do everything that fills you with joy. Today is your day!
- Surround yourself with beauty, not chaos– Stacks of paperwork needing to be filed? Moving boxes blocking your closet? Clean up, buy yourself some flowers and start infusing positive intention and harmony into your everyday. When put beauty into your surroundings, the way you think, feel and love will also become more beautiful.
- Be kinder to yourself– Your relationship with yourself should be the deepest one you have. If you’re your constantly putting yourself down, how are you supposed to flourish? Every time your lizard brain begins to pull you down, picture yourself as a child. Would you talk to a child that way? Of course not.
So which of these are you going to try first? You have nothing to lose. Give yourself the chance to get back to the romantic you used to be because when you love yourself, others naturally love you back.
I’m curious to know what you think, so reply back and share the love!