

Yesterday I was in my studio listening to what was supposed to be a business Podcast.  The host was interviewing a woman who was talking about her calling to do “light work” (key the woo-woo music) and digging deep into the “feminine spirit.” 

Hum…this does not sound like advice on how to grow my email list.

I kept listening.

Now. I’m pretty open minded to a lot of “woo” ideas.  I believe in the law of attraction and definitely think pennies are a sign of abundance.  But I had to take pause when this woman being interviewed announced she was an "alien sent here from another planet to study humans." 


Ok, maybe I’m not that open minded after all. 

While I can’t go so far as to fully embrace the alien in some of us (eyeroll), I can say that I’m pretty tuned into my own “light work” in that I keep my mind and heart open to signs.  Little reminders that maybe we aren’t on this journey alone.

For example:

  • The same 3 numbers showing up right after I make a hard decision. (aka “angel numbers” like 111)
  • Coming across random feathers right in my path when I’m thinking about someone I love and lost (Hey Dad)
  • Or, my very favorite, a flickering candle in my living room that comes on by its own accord every time Tom or I are really missing our boy, Spirit.

Yep.  I’m a little ‘woo.’

Last night I got really sad.  I started thinking about the last 9 months.  First, we lost our sweet dog Spirit.  Exactly three months later, my dad passed. Then 3 months after that Tom’s Dad left us. 




I choose to believe that these small signs are tangible traces of the pieces of our heart that we lost.  Gone from this world, but not really from our lives.

Are you rolling your eyes?  (At least I didn’t say I was from another planet.) 

Some will say these ‘signs’ are simply the result of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. (The fancy term for noticing things once you are made aware of them).  Or perhaps my candle just needs a new battery

Or maybe, just maybe, there’s a bit more to it.

What I do know, is the presence of these things in my life is a comfort I can’t always explain. Small signs that come up when I least expect it but need it the most.  Beautiful reminders that even when the heartbeats stop, you never really cease to hear that treasured life in your own soul.

Yep.  I’ll keep my Woo.


Have you had similar experiences in your life? I’d love to know that I’m not alone in this.  Comment back and let me know your story. 

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