“When a hummingbird appears near you they are reflecting the positive side of life by showing you the joy in small things. “
It’s mid April and spring is in the air. I can’t help but enjoy the feeling of having my hands in the dirt and the soft breeze in my hair as I pull weeds and turn earth for new flower beds. Normally, there would be little time for gardening. I’d be rushing through it making things “good enough.” Instead, we would be busy getting our sailboat “Luna Sole” ready to launch, but this year everything is different.
The marina is closed. Luna sits covered on her stands. The work has stopped on Eclipse (our ‘forever’ sailboat) due to “stay at home” orders. Our plan to bring her south is on hold. The beach is quiet, the coolers are still packed away, there’s no “Brown Eyed Girl” playing across the harbor from Waterman’s Crab House.
I don’t know about you, but I love a cold Corona beer. The fizz from the lime and the water droplets condensing on the bottle. It’s one of my favorite summer pastimes. Unfortunately, I may never drink another one without thinking about the current pandemic and the state of life across the globe. It feels like everything is just holding its breath, waiting to see “what’s next.”
It’s easy to let yourself get overwhelmed. All you have to do is spend too much time watching the news. Going to the grocery store is a lot like stepping into a Steven King novel. Instead of the normal neighborly parking lot chatter that is common place here; people scurry about with masks, gloves and a haunted look in their eyes. It’s depressing.
Rather than go into town, I find myself spending more time in my studio. I’m so very grateful to those of you who continue to treat yourself (or others) with my jewelry. Just yesterday, I shipped a pair of earrings to a client’s daughter in Colorado with a note from her that said “just because I love you.” It made me smile all day imagining the surprise and delight on her face when she opens the box.
While there is much to be concerned with, there is also a bright side to this new life. The water and air is clean. People are learning to slow down and enjoy the moments. Doing small things for others is a joyful new pastime. Last week, I hosted a virtual happy hour with 9 friends from around the country just to catch up. I had not seen the beautiful faces of some of these women in over a year.
Thanks to having time to put out feeders, I also have a new friend in my yard; a ruby throated hummingbird. He flits and flutters around me when I walk outside and charms a smile from my soul. It is said that when a hummingbird appears near you they are reflecting the positive side of life by showing you the joy in small things. It’s important that you honor the small things in life and let go of the heavy toxic ones.
One day, the pandemic will be a memory that we talk about like the Challenger shuttle explosion or 911. People will go back to their busy lives. Dockside bars will reopen. Beaches will come alive with the sound of laughter. Boats will, once again, gently sway with the tide. In the words of my Mom, “this too shall pass.”
But until then, I’m going to grab a lime. Chill a Corona and go find a sunset. It’s the small things after all that make all the difference.
Stay well my friends. xo

You pick your favorite piece, I’ll gift wrap, add a note and ship it direct!