How long is the road between dream and reality? For some, it’s a lifetime. For others, it’s the blink of an eye. For me? Well, I’m still walking so I’ll let you know when I get there.
9 years ago I was living what people would term a “normal” life. I had a corporate job that I enjoyed. A nice home in a development with sidewalks, grass cutting and weekly trash pickup. I was married to a great guy (who I still laugh with after 27 years) and enjoyed planning our 2 weeks of time off each year to do something wonderful. Life was good.

(before boats)
But even in the midst of it all, there was always something quietly calling us to a different life. We used to sit around and dream about having an adventure. Everything from being scuba instructors on a cruise ship to opening a Bed & Breakfast in Hawaii. Then, come Monday morning, we would rise and shine at 6 AM and go back to “reality.” Our safe job, safe home, safe life.
Unlike most couples, we decided not to have kids. It never seemed like the right time. Neither of us really yearned for offspring and we both realized that we liked our lives less complicated. Some people call that selfish. I call it honest.
The “corporate” me the researcher
Tom’s a researcher. He can spend hours on the internet or reading books about the best way to do something. I’m more of a busy bee. I find it hard to relax and just ‘be’ so I filled the open spaces. Early on it was sewing and craft shows. Later, it was charitable work. Today I make jewelry. As the years went by, I found myself doing less with Tom, and more with friends. He was loving, supportive….and lonely.
One day, he came home from work and said “what do you think about selling everything, buying a boat and sailing around the world.”
I gazed at him for a full 30 seconds and then said the first thing that really came to mind, “what about the pirates?”
That’s where my story really begins….

(this is part 1 in a multi-part story…stay tuned to find out what happened next or have it delivered right to your in-box by subscribing to future posts- click here )

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