10 Ways to Enrich Your Life in 2021

10 Ways to Enrich Your Life in 2021

10 Ways to Enrich Your Life in 2021

Winter blues gotcha down? Me too. I’m feeling restless with the cold (spring can’t come soon enough for this beach girl) so I came up with 10 things you can do for free (or almost) that are sure to enrich your life.

1) Capture your parent’s memories. If you’re lucky enough to still have one, or both, parent, record the memories that make up the story of their life. StoryWorth.com is a service that provides you (or your parent) with a weekly question, for 52 weeks, about their past. Your parent can either record their own memories, or you can do it for them. At the end of the year, StoryWorth takes the stories, along with any photos you want to share, and creates a beautiful hardback keepsake book. I’m doing this with my father now. Every week, we talk on the phone and he shares his memories with me. You can use a “conversation recording” app like Rev Call Recorder to record and transcribe the conversation. The “storybook” will be a loving keepsake that will bring my Father back to me long after he is gone.

2) Learn more about local history. For over 20 years, my home was in PA and couldn’t tell you more than 5 fun facts about where I lived. I was too busy working to live. Now that I’m in Virginia, I’m making a conscious effort to learn the history of my area. Virginia has a great network of “Historic” markers that share stories of days past. I make sure to stop and read them when I find one. It’s a perfect way to connect with the place you call home.

3) Create your own backyard magic. Years ago, I vacationed in the keys at Ambrosia Key West. I still remember the joy I felt every evening walking through the garden path on our way to the room. There were fairy lights, soft music and hidden treasures everywhere I looked. It was magical! You can re-capture that feeling in your own back yard. String white twinkle lights in one bush/tree, and set them on a timer to come on nightly. Every evening, as you gaze out your window, you’ll feel that little spark of enchantment.

4) Plan your dream vacation.Even if you won’t go on it for a while—or ever—it’s fun to imagine yourself doing yoga overlooking the Mediterranean Sea or sunbathing on the stunningly white sand of Caribbean Island. Screen shot photos of all the things you want to do when you finally visit, then use Canva.com or the Layout app on your iphone to make your own secret getaway photo boards. It’s fun to dream and it might inspire you to make it a reality!

5) Remember how it felt. After you finish planning your next wonderful vacation, take time to remember the last one. Visualize how it felt to step off the plane into the warm, humid island air and realize you have been transported to a carefree place. My jewelry is designed to remind you of that easy, laid back feeling.

6) Reconnect with an old friend. A good catch-up phone call is sure to put a smile on both your faces. Or, send your love the old fashioned way (through snail-mail) with “Journey Cards”. Colorful postcards inspired by the islands. The reverse side has a quote about life’s journey and room for you to say “I miss you”. Click here to get your free set.

7) Transport yourself to another Time: Binge watch Outlander on Netflix or Starz. The Scottish Highlands, kilt wearing warriors, action, suspense and a love story that spans 200 years. Season 6 is now in production so catch up on this time-travel story. “Give me 1000 kisses, then 1000 more

8) Visit a museum online. Google’s Arts & Culture platform lets you take in some of the world’s most impressive sights from the comfort of your living room. Snuggle up with some Van Gogh and a good bottle of red, and fill your heart with beauty.

9) Create a “Year in Review” photo book. Do you think 2020 was the year of “nothing?” You might be surprised to see that you did more than you thought. Shutterfly.com offers customizable photo books for any occasion. So look through you phone photos, by month, and reminisce about the fun you actually had. If you’re like me and have a bad memory, you’ll also be glad to have these in years to come because photographs are one of the best ways to transport you back to life’s special moments.

10) Watch the sun rise or set. Take a blanket, go to your favorite spot and witness one of nature’s most beautiful gifts. No photos, no elaborate setup. Just you, a blanket and an open heart.

So which one of these are you going to try first? I’m curious to know so reply back and tell me what you think. I can’t wait to hear about your adventure. Xo

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