A month ago, I was making a pair of earrings, half listening to TV, and a commercial came on. Now, I’m embarrassed to say as a professional marketing person, that I have no idea what the commercial was actually for- oops. However, the opening sentence was this: “The average person spends 1 year of their life commuting to work.” WHAT???? Oh my heck! You see, this had such an impact on me because, currently, I’m still part of the worker bee colony. I have a snazzy corporate J O B that is funding the dream of living on our sailboat full time and my daily commute is 2 hours round trip. If the average person commutes 40 minutes each day and loses a year of their life, then do the math…that’s right folks…3 blissful years of my life (hopefully sailing the ocean blue) are being lost to mindless commuting! Right then and there I knew it was time to shake things up. After all, life is too short to waste even one moment.
I started listening to podcasts in the car and it’s been life changing! I-tunes host a ton of great ones on every imaginable subject. I found a wonderful business resource called “Etsy Conversations” that provides a ton of tips and suggestions for online businesses both on and off the Etsy platform. For some “dream food” I listen to “The Sailing Loot” which is insightful interviews with people who live full time on their boats and their stories of how they make money (aka Freedom Chips) to continue to fund the dream lifestyle. The final podcast I’ve been enjoying (although I have several other juicy ones awaiting my ears) is “Adventures in Happiness” with Nick and Jessica Ortner. This is one of my favorites from a “feed your soul” prospective. This brother and sister combo interview people who talk about inspirational living and manifestation- right up my alley! It’s been a few weeks now, and I really look forward to the daily commute. I can’t wait to get the newest tip or be inspired by the voice in my speakers. So, the next time you get in your car, walk the dog, or go grocery shopping take along your trusty IPhone/Pod and listen to some food for your soul. You’ll be happy to get back that year of your life!
“Time is the only true currency we have. We trade it for the things we need or want in life.”