The Right Fit

The Right Fit

Did you know that some earrings are better suited to your face shape than others? Whether you have a heart shaped face like Reese Witherspoon or the square style of Demi Moore, if you want to showcase your pretty face perfectly, here’s a guideline for the best earring style.

The Diamond/Triangle Face

High cheekbones, a narrow forehead and chin and an overall longer face characterize the Diamond. Earrings that are more wide than long, such as chandelier or teardrops, work well. You share a face shape with beauties like Katherine Hepburn and Sophia Loren.

The Heart Face

Your forehead is wider than your cheeks and your face narrows towards your chin. Often, you might also have a widows peak hairline. Earrings with soft curves, such as tear drop style, work well for you. You share a face shape with starlets like Scarlett Johansson and Sophie Dahl.

The Oval Face

Your forehead is not too wide, and the line from your forehead blends with your high cheekbones tapering softly to rounded chin. Oval faced girls are fortunate because you can wear almost any style so chose your earrings more for color than shape. You share a face with one of my favorite actresses- Kate Hudson.

The Round Face

Your face is circular between your cheekbones with no distinct taper to your chin. Round faces look best set off with drop earrings and long dangles that help elongate your face. Avoid hoops and studs. Beautiful women like Penelope Cruz and Drew Barrymore share your face shape.

The Square Face

In a square face, the width of your forehead, cheeks and jaw line are similar. To soften the angles of your face, choose medium to long earring with ovals, circles or hoops. You share a face structure with legends like Geena Davis and Gwyneth Paltrow.

The Rectangular/Narrow Face

This is my shape face- long and slender with not as much width to my forehead or cheeks. The best earrings for a narrow face are short dangles with a lot of volume, small to medium hoops or pearl studs. All of these styles draw the eye across your face horizontally which widens your overall appearance. Celebs with narrow faces include Hillary Swank and Angelina Jolie.

There you have it! The next time you go to purchase earrings, refer to this guide to get the style that compliments your lovely face. Looking for some new styles? Shop my earring selections here and find that perfect fit.

Have you heard about the SS Magpie Facebook 7-day Earring Challenge? From April 1st – April 7th 2020, I challenge you to change your earrings every day. Click here to get more info on the Challenge and join the fun!

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